2 روز پیش | کد آگهی: 9685909
دستهبندی شغلی
موقعیت مکانی
محل فعالیت
مهارت ها و زبان ها
برنامه نویسی back end - برنامه نویسی ios - برنامه نویسی Android - برنامه نویسی C++ - برنامه نویسی Java - برنامه نویسی PHP - برنامه نویسی Python - نرم افزار Microsoft Access
نوع همکاری
سایر اطلاعات
Roles Responsibilities To develop a reasonable understanding of the radio optimization and planning environment and engineering problems encountered and find appropriate software solutions to assist the radio planning and optimization engineers in solving these To administrate tools to ensure that they are always running in a safe secure and healthy state without bugs and missing stats To monitor existing radio tools and systems for effectiveness resource utilization stability and performance and ensure that service levels are maintained To develop requested modifications Features and debug the developed IOS and related modules To support line manager in dimensioning of required Hardware and Software for running tools safely and smoothly considering the growth in the number of users and their usage To control enhancement and development of modules in applications by team in local tools To support the line manager to ensure the SLA SOW of Subcontractors working for tools development are followed properly and the tools developers do their job according to the agreed SLA To define and control Users Access to tools and ensure company s security policies are all met and updated policies are enforced To interact properly and professionally with NWG and ITS to provide a mechanism to ensure that all generated data by the tool are maintained up to date and consistent track the inconsistency and proactively follow up for removals To prepare ad hoc regular insightful reports needed by management and active collaboration in automation of Radio Process Procedure and reporting To provide support and help to design develop and maintain an integrated platform to host all application needs in the RAN planning and optimization arena To facilitate the integration of new modules to the IOS and ensure high end advanced functionality that has to be considered in the integrated platform through advanced technology like AI Big Data toward 5G and 6G needs To develop and maintain tools and services for LLM and AI ensuring a high availability of services and fast decision support systems Job Requirements Minimum of 3 years experience in in design and development of applications in front or backend Experience working in a medium organization Familiar with Mobile Networks Specially RAN and understanding of RAN architecture Expert in Software Development AI and Big Data Experience in measurements process and Procedures in planning and optimization Experience in Programming languages like Python preferred C PHP JavaScript Java Android programming or other advanced programming to date languages Experience in packing deploying and running applications using Docker containers Experience in Scrum Framework and using related tools to control the projects Bachelor s Degree in Technology Systems Telecommunication Management Information Technology or a related discipline تهران تهران هروی تمام وقت خدمات ارتباطی ایرانسل کارشناس جنسیت تفاوتی ندارد تلکام
جویا کار این آگهی را از سایت
استخراج نموده است و هیچ مسئولیتی در قبال این آگهی ندارد.
دقت نمایید که کارفرما حق دریافت هیچ گونه وجهی از کارجو را نداشته و این امر خلاف قانون است. در صورت مشاهده این موارد یا سایر تخلفات با کلیک روی (گزارش آگهی) ما را در ارائه خدمات بهتر یاری نمایید.
در غیر این صورت میتوانید با کلیک بر روی دکمه "درج نظر" نظر خود را در مورد این آگهی ثبت کنید.
اشتراک گذاری
جهت اشتراک در شبکه های اجتماعی روی کلیدهای زیر کلیک کنید
همچنین میتوانید لینک کوتاه زیر را جهت دسترسی به صفحه فوق برای اشتراک گذاری کپی کنید
کپی کردن لینکثبت گزارش برای آگهی radio optimization tools engineer (vendor)